Monday, September 3, 2007

A True Story!

Remember that kid in second grade, Calvin?

Remember how he always had to answer before you in class? How he always teamed up with your friend Josh before you could get to Josh?

Remember when he was on the same soccer team as you? He never passed you the ball. Not when he was dogged by five other 7-year-olds. Not when you were three feet away. NOT EVEN WHEN YOU WERE WIDE OPEN AND PRETTY MUCH STANDING IN FRONT OF THE FREAKING GOAL.

Remember the dinosaur diorama? All he had to do was make a brontosaurus and a pachycephalosaurus (still my favorite I had to wiki the spelling I can still pronounce it with each...Packeesefaluhsaurus!) and he couldn't freaking do it. Freeloading bastard.

Fine. You probably got along with people in second grade. I wrote stories about the sun sinking and killing people. And Barry Sanders.

I was weird.

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