Friday, October 26, 2007

Bloggin' downtown.

Okay, with a view of downtown. If I had a cellphone...well, the money to use the cellphone with, I'd post a pic of the lovely view. Alas, I'm stuck here in English 101, waiting to turn in a paper that's probably not complete, as well as a reaction paper only a true bullshitter like myself could enjoy. Also, I'm nodding off at perhaps inopprotune moments.

Like sitting up in science, whilst the professor is going over the lab. I wilt like a flower in heat.

Or eating lunch. Nothin is quite as embarassing as going narco with a slice of mini pizza in hand.

That, and I have "Henry VIII, I Am" stuck in my head.

I'm Hen-a-ry the eighth I am...

I'm also analyzing the lyrics. Think about it: if you're this Henry dude, why in hell are you marrying her? Not only has she been married secen times before, but every one was a Henry. She wouldn't have a Willie or a Sam? I don't think it's you she lusts after, amigo. I think it's How sad.

So I'll admit, I do aim to get it stuck in your head. And if you know the song, it should be blaring by now..

I'm Hen-a-ry the eighth I am...


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