Some of you who know me on Facebook may have read
a note I posted last week in which I posed a game: Name The Opening Line. Basically, I wrote the opening line or lines from a song and my friends guessed the songs. It became a bit of a phenomenon around Facebook through the weekend, and I figured it'd work nicely here. Because you people are awesome.
These songs aren't quite shuffled. Instead, using iTunes and, of course, a paper notebook (I probably use more
pencil and paper to blog than any other blogger alive - hell, I drafted this entry in notepad, formatting and all), I thought of songs that I can sing word for word, and even kept my Coldplay, Decemberists and Killers songs to a minimum. Anyway, I can't guarantee you'll know all of them, though I threw a few easy ones in for fun (Heather may even get a chance this time).
1. "At first you were a dream but now you're a nightmare"
2. "Two jumps in a week, I bet you think you're pretty clever, don't you boy?"3. "Who shot that arrow in your throat, who missed the crimson apple?"4. "Trudging slowly over wet sand"
5. "Dance with me pretty boy tonight"
6. "I'd like to say hello and welcome you, good day that is my name"7. "Pretty if the sun don't shine"
8. "I said 'who's that girl there?'"9. "I thought I'd cry for you forever, but I couldn't, so I didn't"
10. "Poor old Johnny Ray"
11. "Any chimp can play human for a day"12. "I went to a part last night, what sick things I saw"13. "Gone, there is gold hidden deep in the ground"
14. "Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream"15. "Far away, this ship has taken me far away"16. "Where do we go, nobody knows"17. "Jesus don't cry, you can rely on me honey"
18. "Find yourself a girl and settle down"19. "The world beat you for the something nice"
20. "There is a house in New Orleans"21. "Would you stop talking, because I don't think we agree"
22. "Bones are broken and the will is sunk"
23. "Well, we were shootin' at a mountain of dirt"24. "Slip inside the eye of you mind"
25. "I've been really tryin', baby"
26. "Let it never be said that romance is dead"27. "I got my head checked by a jumbo jet"
28. "She's out of luck and out of hope and out of cigarettes"29. "There is a road that meets the road that goes to my house"30. "Oh let the sun beat down upon my face"
31. "Darling you've got to let me know"
32. "What a drag it is, the shape I'm in"
33. "I'm bringin' back ghosts that are no longer there"
34. "When you first left me, I was wantin' more"35. "Forgive, sounds good"36. "Callin' me high on the telephone"
37. "Dear sir or madam can you read my book?"38. "Are you gonna take me home tonight?"39. "Please can you stop the noise I'm trying to get some rest"
40. "You don't have a clue what it is like to be next to you"
41. "What will you do when you get lonely?"
42. "They made up their minds, and they started packing"
43. "They're gonna clean up your looks with all the lies and the books"44. "There are Jews in the world, there are Buddhists"
45. "Remember the old, and get down"46. "Oh no, I see a spider is tangled up with me"
47. "When there is trap set up for you in every corner of this town"
48. "I was just bony hands as cold as a winter pole"
49. "Maybe I don't really wanna know how your garden grows"
50. "If I were young, I'd flee this town"Bonus: Name the song the title comes from.
And there you have it. I can name any of these songs off the top of my head. I suppose that you might have a harder time, but give it a shot.
Winner gets candy.