Saturday, January 26, 2008

The New French Candian Freakout

I have found the newest way to freak yourself out for free, thanks to The Arcade Fire's latest supercool interactive video.

Watch and listen, and leave only 5 and 6 listen to the song without the majority of instrumentation, only the background instruments.. Freaky shit, man.

Probably the best indie trip since prime Pixies.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Because It's Not Like I Pay Attention in Math

Random thoughts scribbled between homework, notes and a quiz:

If Hot or Not required more honesty, I might include this profile:

My name's Ray, I'm 19 and I live in Columbus. If you so choose me, I'll woo you, romance you, leave you and break your heart. I'll do anything to make you laugh. Deep down, like all men, I'm afraid of commitment, but I'm willing to go a year or so, plus a couple of agonizingly awkward months after that. Hope you like me!

My Math 102 class is a relatively blah-looking bunch. Not particularly ugly, nor glamourous - somewhere on the bright side of fugly. "Token Hot Chick" is an eight, maybe. The amusing thing about her is that, at eight in the morning, most of the guys in the class don't realize they're staring at her all the way from the door to her seat across the room. Ever seen a roomful of guys visibly follow a girl?

I swear to god I remember saying this last night at dinner - in context, no less: "Mac McKerral [WKU's ace, all-world Journalism prof] is a sixty-something single man. If he gets pregnant, it's time to collectively doubt our belief in a real and loving God."

I'm pretty sure that CNN is actually calling Super Tuesday "Super Duper Tuesday" with no shame or self-conciousness. This is rather troubling.

I can smeel Cologne Boy's cologne from here (Note, this was written in the middle of the back row while he sits near the front corner).

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Things To Do With Nothing To Do (Wherein Ray Creates a Supposed Meme)

Alright, I'm outright thiefin' this one. I make no attempts to hide the fact, nor do I have any shame in doing so. But I Stumbled on this one a few days back and it's some good bullshit filler material, no?

Create a band and album!

How it works:
1. Click on
The first article title on the page is the name of your band. (If it's the entry for a real musician or band, cheating with a reload is probably a good idea. Also, don't include parenthesis)

2. Click on
The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.

3. Click
The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4. Throw them together in any way you want, but they must all be there.

Some random results:

I wanna see some good ones in my comments!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Movie Poster Hottie Report

One of the cool things about working in a movie theater is the movie posters lining the hallways. We get to see and chatter incessantly when we're not working about how much we can't wait to see such-and-such movie. Or how cool the posters look. And which ones we're taking (currently, 3:10 to Yuma, Beowulf, 30 Days of Night, and I Am Legend line my bedroom walls, though VeggieTales and Cloverfield might take over soon). Or how hot people look on the posters.

Current Movie Poster Hotties?

Ellen Page in Juno (pregnant or not, she's indie girl hot):

Katherine Heigl in 27 Dresses:

And appearances by all three of the Holy Trinity of Babe.

Keira Knightley in Atonement:

And the reigning champion of hottie posters, landing a one-two punch is The Other Boleyn Girl, with both Scarlett Johansson AND an unbelievably hot hot Natalie Portman.

Surely more updates are yet to come.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sharpie Art (OR: Relivin' the Dorm Days)

Studying? Who needs to study with skillz like this:

Sunday, January 13, 2008

If only I'd thought to screencap...

Whilst checking Ticketmaster's website as I am often wont to do, I decided to look for tickets for The Bravery (who are coming to town in a month) in order to prove I am not in fact a machine, I had to enter a confirmation word. And what all-too-perfect word did Ticketmaster want?


I LOL'd.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Next Friday, twelve in the morning.

I'll be ready.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Read Between The (Party) Lines

An interesting look at two very different takes on the exact same story. It goes to show how journalistic style is so crucial in the presentation of a story; the simple use of AP style punctuation and quoting changes perception.

It's all about the recent action three US ships took on five Iranian ships after the Iranians transmitted (And this is direct), "I am coming at you. You will explode in a couple of minutes."

From Fox News

WASHINGTON — Five Iranian Revolutionary Guard speedboats took threatening actions toward three U.S. Navy ships sailing in the Strait of Hormuz on Sunday, FOX News has confirmed.

The U.S. ships — a cruiser, a frigate and a destroyer — were passing through the strait en route to the Persian Gulf when they took defensive action to avoid striking the close by Iranian ships and armed their weapons, but neither side fired any shots.

The small Iranian boats reportedly came within 200 yards of the U.S. ships, and also threw boxes into the water ahead of the U.S. boats before speeding off. It could not immediately be determined what was in the boxes.

And from CNN:
(CNN) -- The U.S. military reported Monday on a "significant" confrontation involving five Iranian Revolutionary Guard boats that "harrassed and provoked" three U.S. naval ships in international waters over the weekend.

U.S. military officials said the incident occurred Saturday night in the Strait of Hormuz, a narrow shipping channel leading in and out of the Persian Gulf.

The five Iranian ships made "threatening" moves -- in one case coming within 200 yards of a U.S. ship, the U.S. officials said.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Things I Shouldn't Do At Movie Tavern: #92

Teaching SA's derogatory Spanish phrases in the guise of helpful ones is not cool. Los cocineros no son folladores.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Beer and Cucumbers

Movie Tavern won't be playing The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything, the new VeggieTales movie. Why?

Apparently, Big Idea Productions doesn't care for the notion of parents getting drunk whilst their chillins' are absorbing a Biblical movie?

Friday, January 4, 2008

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

As Seen on Hot or Not - January 2, 2008 (courtesy of Hanna)

I'm not sure which of these guys wins more at losing, but both add to amusing profile pics with surpassingly brilliant descriptions.

The Hot Topic tee may not give it away, but douchebaggery is sealed with this (I kid you not):

i'm here for sex and dirty web cam videos. if you cannot provide either one of those do not bother clicking yes.

Then, this dude.

all time party, love girls, love dance, love singing, perfumes, bikes... ping me to know more... waiting for you YES...

I shit you not.

Thanks to Hanna Goetz for the bravery to endure these terrifying profiles.

First Post of 2008!

