Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hot Fuzz...Hot Fuss...THE LINK

When I first watched Hot Fuzz a few months back, there was a scene in which Nick and Danny are in a shop, buying Cornetto ice cream. As Annette Roper asks them, "no luck finding the killers?", I swear I saw something awfully familiar...look carefully:


YES! The Killers' near-homonymly titled Hot Fuss! Right there!

Oddly enough, you can also hear Dire Straits' "Romeo and Juliet" in Simon Skinner's car as he drives past Martin and Eve's "accident." The Killers covered the exact same song later on during their session at Abbey Road (an almost superior cover, in my humble opinion).

My world is full of odd little coincidences today.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Well spotted.

Now I have this strange image in my head of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost chasing The Killers around in a police car. o.0